$29.00 USD

Please note: Inspired Organizer (IO) members--this product is already a part of your course library. 

This Pro Organizer Studio course product is digital and delivered immediately, and as such there are no refunds offered. Purchasing this course is an acceptance of the no refund policy.   

Getting Organizing Clients: Mastering your Google Business Profile

There are 99,000 Google searches per SECOND. Is your organizing business going to rise to the top of those searches?

Most professional organizers aren't using the best FREE tool in your business--one that takes less than 10 minutes a week to get more clients to look at you! 

Have you set up your Google Business Profile but never touched it again?

Or have you never finished setting it up because it feels overwhelming?

I totally hear you--and I'm here to help, because you're missing out on HUGE amounts of eyes it can give your business online! 

Google Business Profile is the best free tool that people never leverage--mostly because they don't know what it can do for them. But I'm here to change that! 

I want you to know about this awesome way to have your ideal clients be able to connect with you when they are searching for an organizer. 

This mini-course will teach you everything you need to know about how to use Google Business--along with swipe files for EXACTLY what to say to maximize your profile. 

What you'll get:

  • How to set up EVERYTHING on your Google Business account to maximize clients finding YOU over other organizers

  • Learn about THE most critical thing that SO FEW organizers do that really is the key to the magic of using Google Business Profiles the right way! 

  • 20 ready to plug-and-play posts to populate the most important part of your Google Business Profile--and lessons on how to do this in as little as 5 minutes per WEEK! 

  • How to get Google reviews to make you look even better

  • 8 easy to follow lessons with videos, tutorials and support.